Youth Digital Collections

World Book Online

Offers articles, games, activities and science projects for students of all ages

World Book Web

World Book Early Learning

Early Learning by World Book is the premier online learning resources for preschoolers and children in early grades.

Early Learning

World Book Kids

A general reference website developed especially for young students. The site offers image-based navigation, easy‐to‐read articles, thousands of illustrations, and a wealth of engaging games, science projects, and activities

World Book Kids

World Book Discover

A collection of unique videos, featuring expert answers to often asked questions, and a visual dictionary make content more accessible for readers of all levels.

World Book Discover

World Book Student

Online encyclopedia that allow students to further explore topics including science, history, geography, art, and more. Lexile reading levels included.

World Book Student

World Book Advanced

Online encyclopedia includes eBooks, videos, activities, primary sources, read-aloud, and translation features.

World Book Advanced

World Book Timelines

Online encyclopedia that allow students to further explore hundreds of pre-generate timelines across eight broad topics, which cover various time periods in history or span the life of historical public figures.


World Book Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos

Base de datos en español que contiene videos, funciones de comparación y contraste, artículos seleccionados y un diccionario visual para permitir a los estudiantes de ESL y de español la oportunidad de aprender. Integrado con World Book Kids para contenido paralelo en inglés.

Spanish-language Encyclopedia

World Book Banco de Contenidos aulaPlaneta

Base de datos completa en español. AulaPlaneta incluye más de 140.000 artículos, 8.000 enlaces web y 9.000 imágenes, vídeos, animaciones, sonidos y medios interactivos.

Banco de Contenidos aulaPlaneta