MAY 19, 2011
The regular meeting of the Northlake Public Library District Board of Trustees was called to order at 6:33 p.m. by President Sonya Teets. Present were Board members: Gutierrez, Salo, Blaskey, Salutric, Rivera, Teets. Also present were citizens attending the trustee swearing-in ceremony; Nancy Garcia and Michele Ukleja, to be sworn in as new trustees; Sharon L. Highler, Library Director; and Mary Jane Garrett, Head of Technical Services. Absent Board members: O’Cull, outgoing trustee.
The Board approved the agenda for the meeting, with the exception that an Executive Session would not be needed. The swearing-in ceremony was moved, to be the next item on the agenda. Approval was on a motion by Rivera with a second by Gutierrez.
AYES: All.
The swearing-in ceremony was held by President Teets. Newly-elected trustees Nancy Garcia and Michele Ukleja were sworn in to replace outgoing trustees Karen Salutric and Kathy O’Cull. Also sworn in were trustees re-elected to new terms: Gerry Blaskey, Aracely Gutierrez and Orlando Rivera. After the ceremony, Karen Salutric stepped down as trustee, and the Board thanked her for her service. (O’Cull also stepped down officially, though absent.)
The majority of the citizens left at this time.
Minutes of the Board meeting of April 21, 2011, were read and approved on a motion by Salo with a second by Blaskey.
AYES: All.
The Board read and accepted the following: the Treasurer’s Report of April 30, 2011; the Bills Payable/Paid Report for May 19, 2011; the Revenue and Expense Report for April 2011; and the Statistical and Acquisitions Report for April 2011. Acceptance of the above reports was on a motion by Rivera with a second by Salo. Roll call vote:
AYES: Gutierrez, Salo, Blaskey, Ukleja, Garcia, Rivera, Teets
NAYS: None.
Grand total, May: $51,565.22
The librarians’ reports for April of 2011 were read and accepted with the appreciation of the Board. Higher reported that projects relating to the newly-acquired furniture have been completed. The Hot Beverage Service has started. Departments’ planning for their summer reading programs continues. The AWE bilingual, early-literacy station had its unofficial dedication on April 30. Photographs were taken with the major donors or their representatives. The photograph and an article will be sent to the local newspaper. Trustees received a copy of the slate of candidates nominated for the Board of RAILS, the new northern merged system. Highler will be attending the ALA conference in New Orleans in late June. She will be available to staff via cell phone. Circulation of large print books is up and of paperback fiction books is down, mainly because their locations have changed – large print to the main level and paperback fiction to the upper level. Magazines, with an improved arrangement, have had increased circulation. The New Books area, with its new face-out shelves, has also seen a circulation increase. Permanent signs will be changed after the move has been evaluated. Adult Services plans to redesign the teen area after July 1. Planning continues on self-checkout areas.
President Teets reported on investigating how to make summer program attendance easier for children in more remote parts of the district’s service area. A major problem is the responsibility that would need to be taken for transportation safety. The Board discussed the feasibility of carpooling or of having a location in Stone Park to have a few programs. Salo and Ukleja can volunteer to help once per week. This may be discussed further with Teets and Highler on May 23.
Vice President Rivera reminded Highler that the district needs to send formal letters to the Kiwanis and Wal-Mart, thanking them for funding the AWE computer station. Wal-Mart is interested in volunteering for the library district. Rivera has joined the Friends group, and has brought extra membership forms to the Board meeting. There was discussion on the planned Kindle e-reader’s acceptance of Media On Demand downloads. This is not available yet. Ukleja believes she has heard that the release will be in November.
The Personnel Committee has not been able to meet, but has been gathering more examples of harassment policies for one section included in the overall revision of the district’s personnel policy. The harassment section revision will need to be tabled until a future meeting.
Highler reported that the Día programs were well-attended on April 30. The Kiwanis gave away about 100 books. 120-130 people attended the programs. Friends volunteers helped staff with the programs.
7:15, two guests arrived, one being Mayor Mazzulla of Stone Park.
Highler reported on her findings about a proposed PIN audit by the law firm of Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins. She spoke to a library given as a reference by the law firm. The library reported that the audit was worth the trouble, as a lot of taxing errors, either coding errors or properties accidentally left off, were found. They did recommend lowering attorney costs by doing as much ahead of time as possible, and requesting that a paralegal do the work until the final days of the project. After a discussion of the costs and benefits of having the PIN audit done, the Board decided that they did not need any further information on the PIN audit at present.
7:32, two more guests arrived.
The Board discussed the library district’s legal calendar and dates.
Riders in upcoming area parades were discussed. Two staff members have volunteered to ride in each of the May 30 (Stone Park) and June 26 (Northlake) parades. Board volunteers, parade cars, and meeting times were discussed. Costs of candy vs. noncandy novelties were discussed. Further plans for the June 26 parade can be discussed at the June meeting.
Board reorganization and election of officers was discussed. The decision to maintain current officers – Teets, President; Rivera, Vice President; Salo, Secretary; and Blaskey, Treasurer – was approved on a motion by Salo with a second by Gutierrez. Roll call vote:
AYES: Gutierrez, Salo, Blaskey, Ukleja, Garcia, Rivera, Teets
NAYS: None.
The proposed 2011 audit contract by McClure, Inserra & Company was discussed. The Board would like to see some rate comparisons with other companies. The decision on the contract was tabled until a future meeting.
Highler presented her proposal for salaries and staff changes for the 2011-2012 fiscal year. Copies of the proposal, salary scale, and staffing levels recommended in Illinois standards were given to the Board. To fulfill her goals, one of which is to achieve “Minimum” to “Growing” staff levels for our service population according to state standards, she proposes to utilize the current salary scale, some staff salary level changes, and additional or changed staff positions. The Board approved the proposed salaries and staff changes for the 2011-2012 fiscal year on a motion by Rivera with a second by Blaskey. Roll call vote:
AYES: Gutierrez, Salo, Blaskey, Ukleja, Garcia, Rivera, Teets
NAYS: None.
When asked about any questions or comments they might have, the remaining members of the public stated that they wished to congratulate the newly-elected Stone Park trustees and to thank the other trustees for their service to the Board.
The next Board meeting is scheduled for June 16, 2011.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:06 p.m., on a motion by Salo with a second by Gutierrez.
AYES: All.
Barbara Salo, Secretary