MAY 15, 2014
The regular Board meeting planned for April 17, 2014, was cancelled due to schedule conflicts.
The regular meeting of May 15, 2014, of the Northlake Public Library District Board of Trustees, was called to order at 6:35 p.m. by President Orlando Rivera. Present were Board members: Salo, Efta, Mukite, Rivera. Absent Board members: Gutierrez, Wright. Also present were Sharon L. Highler, Library Director; and Mary Jane Garrett, Head of Technical Services.
The Board approved the agenda, including an Executive Session (as per 5ILCS 120/2 (c)(3)), to be held near the end of the meeting, on a motion by Salo with a second by Efta.
AYES: All.
Minutes of the Board meeting of March 20, 2014, were read and approved on a motion by Salo with a second by Efta.
AYES: All.
The Board read and accepted the following: the Treasurer’s Reports of March 31 and April 30, 2014; and the Bills Payable/Paid Reports for April 17 and May 15, 2014. Acceptance of the above reports was on a motion by Efta with a second by Salo. Roll call vote:
AYES: Salo, Mukite, Efta, Rivera.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Gutierrez, Wright.
Total bills payable, April 17: $49,674.06.
Total bills payable, May 15: $157,397.05.
Total bills paid, April 17: $42,303.26.
Total bills paid, May 15: $52,621.17.
The Board read and accepted the following: the Revenue and Expense Reports for March and April of 2014, and the Statistical Circulation and Acquisitions Reports for March and April of 2014. Acceptance of the above reports was on a motion by Salo with a second by by Efta. Roll call vote:
AYES: Salo, Mukite, Efta, Rivera.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Gutierrez, Wright.
The librarians’ reports for March-May 2014 were read and accepted with the appreciation of the Board. Highler discussed items in her report in more detail with the Board. SWAN, our local online catalog, has signed a five-year agreement with the SirsiDynix company, and will begin preparing for migration to the new software and hardware. Our library’s Hulk project has been featured in an article in the May 2014 issue of American Libraries. Copies of the article were given to Board members.
President Rivera reported that he and Highler attended the ATLAS workshop, “Thank You for Your Comments: Public Comments at Library Board Meetings,” held on May 3 at the New Lenox Public Library District. Board members each received a copy of a handout featuring relevant laws and examples of policies governing public comments at Board meetings,. The Board also discussed determining an official Board comment to the public and/or media. An official Board comment has to be decided by the Board as a governing body. The Board has to decide who will represent the the Board, usually the Board President and the Library Director. If someone asks other Trustees for comment, they should respond “no comment” or refer the question back to the Board. If Trustees wish to speak for themselves, they have to be very clear to the person asking the question that they are speaking for themselves only, and not for the Board. The “no comment” option is usually considered to be the one least likely to be misinterpreted. Most of the above has already been included in the Board’s by-laws (i.e., “Regulations”). Another fact from the workshop was that if a topic comes up at a Board meeting that is not on the agenda, the topic may be discussed but no vote or decision can be made. Any vote or decision must be made at a meeting where the topic is on the agenda .
Vice President Mukite reported on the Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo (C2E2), held April 24-26. The graphic novel and Friends groups had a table in the fan pavilion, which was separate from the vendors this year. A number of people were given information on the library and the Hulk project, and were signed up for the graphic novel group.
Two people have filled out applications for the position of Trustee. After discussion, the Board decided to set up a committee to meet with the two applicants and give its recommendation to the Board. Efta, Rivera and Salo agreed to be on the committee. Highler proposed two possible dates to meet with the applicants. She will contact the applicants and will let the committee know which date is better. The Board accepted the two applications on a motion by Salo with a second by Efta.
AYES: All.
The Director’s Evaluation was tabled until a future meeting.
Possible Trustee by-laws (i.e., “Regulations”) revisions, including those for Article XI proposed in March, were tabled until a future meeting.
Copies of the Bill of Rights for the Homeless Act, which is already in effect, were given to the Board. How this act will be interpreted is unknown until a court ruling.
All Trustees have turned in their Statements of Economic Interests.
Board members received copies of the final decision by the Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board on the appeal by Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
As a requirement of the FY 2015 Per Capita Grant, all Board members, and some staff, have to attend a webinar that is an orientation to the Illinois State Library’s Edge Initiative. The webinar can be found at: http://www.libraryedge.org/Getting_Started/index.htm When Board members finish the webinar, they should let Highler know.
Highler discussed budget planning for the 2014-15 fiscal year with the Board. If an increased minimum wage is approved in Illinois, this will affect all levels of the salary scale. Highler recommends a 1% merit pay increase at the beginning of the fiscal year. If the increased minimum wage is passed, salaries will be adjusted up to the full increase when the new amount goes into effect. Department heads have submitted audits of their areas, including which parts of their budgets they would prefer to save from further cuts. The audits could also include reorganizing staff responsibilities.
All maintenance services are being evaluated and priced. Highler prefers not to add staff members for maintenance, because of the cost of staff benefits.
Our contract with CTC for IT services will expire at the end of June. Highler is looking at the prices and services of other companies to compare with CTC’s. Some money for IT services may possibly come from our Per Capita Grant. We may need to fund security technology with money from the Per Capita Grant.
Staff are registered for Summer Food Service Program training, as part of the requirements for acceptance as a site for the Kids Cafe lunch program. This is managed by the Greater Chicago Food Depository.
The job description for Youth and Young Adult Services Librarian/Page Manager was discussed by the Board. The job description was approved by the Board on a motion by Salo with a second by Efta.
AYES: All.
Board members received copies of the March 3, 2014, issue of Library Law e-News, by Klein, Thorpe & Jenkins, Ltd. Items discussed included the Workplace Violence Prevention Act and Senate Bill 3071.
No members of the public were present.
The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for June 19, 2014.
The Board voted to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:10 p.m. and open an Executive Session as per 5ILCS 120/2 (c)(3): “The selection of a person to fill a public office, as defined in this Act, including a vacancy in a public office, when the public body is given power to appoint under law or ordinance, or the discipline, performance or removal of the occupant of a public office, when the public body is given power to remove the occupant under law or ordinance.” The regular meeting was adjourned on a motion by Salo with a second by Efta.
AYES: All.
Barbara Salo, Secretary