MARCH 21, 2013

The regular meeting of the Northlake Public Library District Board of Trustees was called to order at 6:50 p.m. by Vice President Orlando Rivera. Present were Board members: Mukite, Blaskey, Gutierrez, Rivera.  Absent Board members: Teets, Garcia, Salo. Also present were Sharon L. Highler, Library Director; and Mary Jane Garrett, Head of Technical Services.

The February 21, 2013, regular meeting of the Board of Trustees had been cancelled due to unexpected schedule changes.

The Board approved the agenda on a motion by Blaskey with a second by Gutierrez. 

AYES: All.

Minutes of the Board Meeting of January 17, 2013, were approved on a motion by Blaskey with a second by Gutierrez.

AYES: All.

The Board read and accepted the following: the Treasurer’s Reports of January 31 and February 28, 2013; the Bills Payable/Paid Reports for February and March 21, 2013; the Revenue and Expense Reports for January and February of 2013; and the Statistical Circulation and Acquisitions Reports for January and February of 2013.  Acceptance of the above reports was on a motion by Blaskey with a second by Gutierrez.  Roll call vote:

       AYES: Mukite, Blaskey, Gutierrez, Rivera.
       NAYS: None.
       ABSENT: Teets, Garcia, Salo.

Total bills payable:  $58,845.39.

Total bills paid: $100,531.65.

The librarians’ reports for January through March 2013 were read and accepted with the appreciation of the Board. Highler discussed portions of her report in more detail with the Board. We may need to go into our special reserve fund to pay for fixing the leak in the staff lounge. Ant problems in several parts of the building are being addressed. CTC is continuing to upgrade our computer system, but has met with a number of slowdowns due to how the system was previously configured. SAM problems and lack of communication with Comprise continue. Our estimated go-live date for the self-checkout system is April 8. We are taking bids for purchasing or leasing a new poster printer. The Hulk project continues, and the Friends group has been reactivated, with Raleigh Ocampo as president.

The Board and Highler discussed the increase in patron issues in 2013. The Board approved following the current behavior policy and denying service to those patrons who will not abide by it. Our iPad was finally returned with the help of the Northlake police.

Annette Alvarado was hired as part-time Adult Services Associate Librarian on February 5, 2013. Our Self-Directed Achievement program for continuing education will be introduced to staff on April 2. The monthly patron appreciation giveaways began in March. Highler and the department heads had a meeting with State Representative Kathleen Willis on March 11, which went well. Highler continues to attend departmental meetings.

If any Board members wish to attend the ALA annual conference in Chicago in June, they need to let Highler know before April 5.

There were no additional reports from the President or Vice President.

Mukite opened the discussion of the Hulk fundraising project. He gave an overview of the presentation that will be posted on Kickstarter. The Board discussed a proposal to offer the naming of a library shelf as a Reward for a donation to the Hulk fund. Blaskey asked what the time period would be for the shelf name to remain. $500.00 was proposed as the donation for the naming of a shelf. The Board is open to the idea, but would like to visit libraries that have named shelves for donations first.

Highler reminded the Board that the election, including that for Board Trustee, will be held on April 9. The Board was also reminded about Trustee vacancies that will need to be filled through Board appointment.

Based on staff response on In-Service Day (December 7, 2012), the self-service scan station was the most popular. Highler shared information about the TBS scan station with the Board.

Due to the ongoing problems with SAM, staff is in favor of getting a different computer and printer reservation system. Highler provided information to the Board about a profit-share plan proposed by TBS for computer reservation and the self-service scan station. The five-year contract was discussed by Highler and the Board. Whatever printer reservation system we use, we will be eliminating our free printing provision. The TBS contract has a cancellation clause if the system is not satisfactory and if the problem cannot be corrected in sixty days. The Board approved the TBS package proposal on a motion by Blaskey with a second by Gutierrez. Roll call vote:

       AYES: Mukite, Blaskey, Gutierrez, Rivera.
       NAYS: None.
       ABSENT: Teets, Garcia, Salo.

The proposed Social Media Policy was discussed and accepted by the Board on a motion by Blaskey with a second by Gutierrez.

        AYES: All.

The Board received bids from three companies for the library’s window cleaning service contract. After discussion, the Board accepted American National Skyline, Inc., at a quote of $1,295.00, on a motion by Gutierrez with a second by Mukite. Roll call vote:

AYES: Mukite, Blaskey, Gutierrez, Rivera.               NAYS:   None.                                                                                                                  ABSENT:  Teets, Garcia, Salo.    

After discussion, the Board accepted the wording for a “Theft of Library Materials” warning notice, based on the example given in Klein, Thorpe & Jenkins, Ltd.’s March 13, 2013, Library Law e-News,  on a motion by Blaskey with a second by Gutierrez. 

AYES: All.

Copies of the notice will be posted in a number of locations in the library building.

Trustees received copies of the Circulation Policy, with proposed changes marked. The major changes included circulation being allowed for the most recent issues of magazines, renewals being allowed for fiction DVD’s/Blu-Rays/VHS’s and console games, and renewals increased from one to two on all items except for technology (e.g., Kindles, iPads, etc.). Technology items will remain ineligible for renewal. After discussion, the Board approved the proposed changes to the Circulation Policy on a motion by Blaskey with a second by Gutierrez.

AYES: All.

Board members received copies of information about ALA Organizational Membership, and about registration fees for ALA Annual Conference in Chicago, June 28- July 2. ALA Organizational Membership will provide a discount of 15% off of full -priced registration to ALA Annual for groups of four or more staffers, friends, and trustees who are not already ALA personal members. The more people from the library who are interested in going, the more likely an organizational membership would be economical. Trustees should let Highler know by April 5 if they are interested in attending ALA Annual.

The library district is taking bids for purchasing or leasing a new poster printer. Highler would like the Board to give permission for a decision to be made on a poster printer before the next Board meeting. After discussion, the Board gave permission to decide on a new poster printer before the next Board meeting, for an amount not to exceed $4,000.00, on a motion by Gutierrez with a second by Mukite. Roll call vote:

AYES: Mukite, Blaskey, Gutierrez, Rivera.               NAYS:   None.                                                                                                                  ABSENT:  Teets, Garcia, Salo.   

Highler and Rich Stronczek (Office Manager) have met with Steve Larson, Senior Financial Advisor/Director with the Ehlers financial advisory company, about refinancing the building bond. The Board agreed to meet with Mr. Larson about this, and about developing a Financial Plan as part of the library district’s long-range planning. Board members received information from Ehlers about the effects of sequestration.

The Executive Session was not needed by the Board.

Board members received copies of the Ancel Glink legal question of the month for February, and the Klein, Thorpe & Jenkins, Ltd. Library Law e-News for January 30. Copies of the Calendar for Library Trustees were given to the Board.                                              

No members of the public were present.

The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for April 18, 2013.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. on a motion by Gutierrez with a second by Blaskey.

AYES:  All. 

Barbara Salo, Secretary