MARCH 20, 2014
The regular meeting of the Northlake Public Library District Board of Trustees was called to order at 6:35 p.m. by President Orlando Rivera. Present were Board members: Gutierrez, Mukite, Wright, Rivera. Absent Board members: Efta, Salo. Also present were Sharon L. Highler, Library Director; and Mary Jane Garrett, Head of Technical Services.
The Board approved the agenda of the meeting, with the exception of not needing the Executive Session. The Board wishes to have as many Trustees possible to be present for an Executive Session discussion. Approval of the agenda was on a motion by Gutierrez with a second by Wright.
AYES: All.
Minutes of the Board meeting of February 20, 2014, were read and approved on a motion by Gutierrez with a second by Mukite.
AYES: All.
The Board read and approved the following: the Treasurer’s Report of February 28, 2014; the Bills Payable/Paid Report for March 20, 2014; the Revenue and Expense Report for February 2014; and the Statistical Circulation and Acquisitions Reports for February 2014. Acceptance of the above reports was on a motion by Gutierrez with a second by Wright. Roll call vote:
AYES: Gutierrez, Wright, Mukite, Rivera.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Efta, Salo.
Total bills payable: $41,220.22.
Total bills paid: $67,871.33.
The librarians’ reports for February-March 2014 were read and accepted with the appreciation of the Board. Highler spoke on developments that have occurred during the past month. Several staff computers have been replaced. Some of the remaining new computers will be installed in Adult Services. Our tax revenues are beginning to come in. In our grant applications for technology, we are including the computer technicians’ hours as part of the requested grant amount. For a recent grant application, for “Eliminate the Digital Divide,” a summary of our community situation was required. The data from the research for this explains some of our tax income situation, and can be used in future grant applications.
Recent staff job description changes, and reductions in the duties of Rich Stronczek as he reduced his hours, were discussed. Staff have begun adapting to taking on some of his duties. John Hein has needed to stop his outside maintenance duties, but will continue with inside maintenance. Highler is currently searching for someone to do the outside maintenance on a permanent basis. The Board briefly discussed how Hein is being paid for his reduced duties.
President Rivera had nothing additional to report at this time.
Vice President Mukite reported that a table has been reserved for the exhibit area at the Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo (C2E2). How it will be used is still being planned.
Board members each received a copy of the March 3 issue of Library Law e-News, by Klein, Thorpe & Jenkins.
The director’s evaluation was discussed. Board members will meet in Executive Session to combine their form answers onto one form. The President will hold a one-to-one evaluation with the director. As two Trustees were absent for March 20, the Executive Session for this will be scheduled for April 17.
Highler thanked Wright for her help with the grant application for “Eliminate the Digital Divide.” Each Board member received a copy of the completed application, which was briefly discussed.
The Board read and discussed the following policy revisions: additions to the Displays and Exhibits Policies; the addition, as an appendix, of the ALA Code of Ethics to the Personnel Policy; and review and revision of the Trustee Regulations (i.e., By-Laws).
The Board approved the additions to the Displays and Exhibits Policies on a motion by Gutierrez with a second by Wright.
AYES: All.
The Board approved the addition, as an appendix, of the ALA Code of Ethics to the Personnel Policy on a motion by Mukite with a second by Gutierrez.
AYES: All.
The ALA Code of Ethics will also be posted on the library’s website.
Trustee Regulations (i.e., By-Laws) were discussed in more detail by the Board. The Board had agreed in 2010 that the regulations should be reviewed every four years. Each Trustee was given a copy of the entire set of regulations for review. Highler recommended that the final paragraph on page 8, about the library’s newsletter, be deleted, and the Article XI title be changed. She stated that the Board is responsible for regulating itself, so this paragraph is unnecessary. She pointed out “Article XIII. Code of Ethics,” and stated that it should be shown to every new Trustee. The Board requested that a copy of the Trustee Regulations be sent to each Trustee for comment. Wright volunteered to receive and organize the comments. Trustees should especially look at the wording and the parts on duties of officers. There was brief discussion about including a statement on teleconferencing. Highler will send out the copies, with instructions to send comments to Wright and Rivera. Final decisions on the regulations were tabled. Information will be gathered for voting at a later date.
Time is getting closer for refinancing the building bond. Board members received copies of a March 18 Market Commentary from Ehlers, Inc., who has already made presentations to the Board. Highler has received contact information from John Piemonte of the Robert W. Baird & Company. Would the Board wish to meet with him? The Board requested that Highler ask him to the May 15 Board meeting.
We have not received any additional applications for the vacant Trustee position. After discussion, the Board requested that Highler invite the candidate to the April 17 meeting. If any additional people apply, Highler should invite them to the April 17 meeting also.
Each Board member received a copy of the revised organizatinal chart and the revised “Person in Charge” list. The bookkeeping job description (Rich Stronczek) and Allison Parker’s job desription in Youth Services will be rewritten. Highler is not presently filling the vacant PR position, but she will leave it open on the organizational chart. On the “Person in Charge” list, Stronczek’s title is already changed, and Parker’s title will change in the future.
No members of the public were present.
The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for April 17, 2014.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:14 p.m. on a motion by Gutierrez with a second by Wright.
AYES: All.
Barbara Salo, Secretary