MARCH 18, 2010

The regular meeting of the Northlake Public Library District Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by President Kathy O’Cull. Present were Board members: Blaskey, Salo, Teets, Rivera, Gutierrez, O’Cull. Also present were Sharon L. Highler, Library Director, and Mary Jane Garrett, Head of Technical Services. Absent Board member: Salutric.

The trustees appreciated receiving the Board documents electronically before the meeting. Highler will continue with this document schedule.

The agenda for this meeting was approved, except for Highler reporting that there was no need for an Executive Session this month.

The minutes of the regular Board meeting of February 18, 2010, were read and approved on a motion by Salo with a second by Teets.

AYES: All.

The Board read and accepted the following: the Treasurer’s Report of February 28, 2010; the Bills Payable Report for March 18, 2010; the Revenue and Expense Report for February 2010; and the Statistical Circulation and Acquisitions Report for February 2010. Acceptance of the above reports was on a motion by Teets with a second by Rivera. Roll call vote:

AYES: Blaskey, Salo, Teets, Rivera, Gutierrez, O’Cull.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Salutric.

Grand total of all payables listed: $74,478.15.

Highler reported that the statistical report is being revamped to show comparisons with the previous month and the previous year, and that it will be changed to emphasize different data. The former data will still be collected for the library’s use.

The librarians’ reports were read and accepted with the appreciation of the Board. There were a number of problems with building in February. The new staff organization chart will be available to the Board, and will also be on the library’s website. A “Person in Charge” list was given to the Board, showing chain of command in the building. Garrett was thanked for her organization of the open house on February 21, 2010, held to welcome Highler as new director.

O’Cull reported on the trustee/director forum that she attended with Salo and Highler on March 6, 2010. “Being an Advocate for Your Library” included a number of handouts, which were given to the Board. The Board discussed advocating for the library district. O’Cull emphasized the importance of attending these meetings.

Ron Friedman, Technology Manager, is collecting old technology/electronics items from the staff and Board for a recycling drive. He needs the items by March 26. The library is planning a similar drive that includes the community, probably in September.

Teets mentioned that she has had a great response from a Valentine’s Day project where children made valentines for senior citizens. She suggested that a similar project in Youth Services would be a good connection to the library’s community.

Ordinance #10-523, Establishing the Process for Board Members’ Participation by Electronic Means in Meetings, was discussed. Although this covers only certain specific circumstances and cannot be used to establish a quorum for the meeting, Highler recommended its adoption in case the Board needs it in the future. The ordinance was adopted on a motion by Salo with a second by Teets. Roll call vote:

AYES: Blaskey, Salo, Teets, Rivera, Gutierrez, O’Cull.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Salutric.

O’Cull reported that she will not be in the area for several months, and that she does not feel that she would be fulfilling her responsibilities as President if she remained in office. She wishes to remain a trustee, but wishes to resign from the office of President. The Board regretfully accepted her resignation as President.

For reorganization of the Board, Teets self-nominated for President and Rivera self-nominated for Vice President. The Board accepted both nominations. Teets was elected as President and Rivera was elected as Vice President, to begin at the April meeting, on a motion by Blaskey with a second by Gutierrez. Roll call vote:

AYES: Blaskey, Salo, Teets, Rivera, Gutierrez, O’Cull.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Salutric.

Highler reminded the Board that it is especially important that the President and Vice President let her know ahead of time if they are not coming to a Board meeting. Signatures of the new officers are needed for the checking account and other accounts/documents.

The Board asked about Salutric being absent from several Board meetings in a row. Highler has not heard from her recently.

The U.S. Bank Pledge Agreement was adopted on a motion by Rivera with a second by Salo. Roll call vote:

AYES: Blaskey, Salo, Teets, Rivera, Gutierrez, O’Cull.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Salutric.

Because of recent service problems, the library district has given a thirty-day notice to the present holder of its HVAC maintenance contract, that their contract will be dropped. The district has been looking for a replacement company. The agreement from United Building Maintenance, Inc. (UBM),was discussed and accepted by the Board, at the cost of $7,200.00 for the year, on a motion by Blaskey with a second by Salo.

AYES: All.

The Board approved the hiring of Paul Pakula as Circulation Clerk, replacing Lorena Herrera, effective March 8, 2010, on a motion by Blaskey with a second by Rivera.

AYES: All.

Salo wishes to put planning for Northlake Days on the agenda for the next regular Board meeting. Teets also reminded the Board about planning for participation in Stone Park’s Memorial Day parade. The Board members discussed their preference for staff participation in the parade cars, and the problems of getting a good location for the library district’s booth for Northlake Days. Rivera suggested asking the Kiwanis about their plans for a booth.

Highler reported on the library’s plans for National Library Week, April 11-17. Staff appreciation activities will also be included. The Board is welcome to participate in the staff potluck luncheon during that week. One of the NLW plans is making “READ” posters featuring members of the staff. Board members may also participate if they wish; costumes and props are acceptable. Some public participation in making posters is being planned for National Library Week.

Highler reminded Board members that Library Advocacy Day is April 16.

No members of the public were present.

The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for April 15, 2010.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:11 p.m. on a motion by Teets with a second by Rivera.

AYES: All.

Barbara Salo, Secretary