JUNE 3, 2009
The special meeting of the Northlake Public Library District Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00p.m. by President Kathy O’Cull. Present were Board members: Blaskey, Teets, Salo and O’Cull. Also present were Michael Cushion, candidate for Library Trustee; Orlando Rivera, candidate Library Trustee; Schmudde, library director; and Garrett, assistant library director. Absent Board member: Tom Salutric. Also absent: Karen Salutric, candidate for Library Trustee; Aracely Gutierrez, candidate for Library Trustee.
The two candidates present, Michael Cushion and Orlando Rivera, were interviewed separately for the open trustee positions. Mr. Cushion was interviewed 7:02-7:12p.m., and Mr. Rivera was interviewed 7:13-7:30p.m. The candidates were thanked for their information, told they would be contacted about the Board’s Decision, and left.
At 7:32p.m., Mary Jane Kepner of Kepner & Associates arrived and was interviewed for the position of consultant for the Library Director Search. Board members received copies of her resume and proposal/schedule. Although she cannot guarantee how long a director would stay, if the new director left within the first six months of hiring, Ms. Kepner would come back as consultant without her entire fee being charged again. At 8:08p.m., Ms. Kepner was thanked for her time and she left.
Riders for the district in the Northlake Days parade, Sunday, June 28, were discussed. There was only one rider, plus the driver, for the Stone Park Memorial Day parade, and it was decided to cancel the district’s entry. Very few Board members are available for June 28, so the Board decided to cancel the district’s entry for the Northlake Days parade this year. Salo will let the driver, Mary Lou Stefanski, know about the cancellation.
After discussion, the Board approved replacing the partitions in the first floor men’s restroom, on a motion by Salo with a second by Blaskey. Ayes: All.
The Board discussed the candidates for the trustee positions. Two candidates were interviewed this evening, another candidate had definitely expressed interest but was absent, and one was absent and had not submitted her letter of intent. The Board decided to fill one trustee position this evening, June 3. The Board appointed Orlando Rivera to fill one trustee position, on a motion by Blaskey with a second by Salo. Ayes: All. The second appointment for trustee will be made at a later date.
Candidates for the position of consultant for the Library Director Search were discussed. The Board decided to hire Mary Jane Kepner as consultant for the Library Director Search on a motion by Salo with a second by Teets. Ayes: All.
Declaration of the vote totals for the April 7, 2009, Library Trustee Election was made. Salo received 1,628 votes.
Board reorganization, the election of new Board officers, was discussed. The following slate of officers was proposed: Kathy O’Cull, president; Sonya Teets, vice president; Barb Salo, secretary; Gerry Blaskey, treasurer. The slate of officers was approved as presented on a motion by Teets with a second by Blaskey. Ayes: All.
Recognizing Linda Rossi for her years of service as a Library Trustee was discussed. Schmudde will contact her about times when she will be available.
Board members received copies of a proposal by McClure, Inserra & Company, Chartered, for the financial audit for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. After discussion, the Board voted to accept the proposal on a motion by Salo with a second by Teets. Ayes: All.
Schmudde presented an update on the LIMRiCC Medical Insurance Program for 2009-2010 to the Board. Does the Board wish to have the employee payment percentage for the health insurance remain at 15% or increase to 20%? After discussion, the Board voted to have the employee percentage of the premium for health insurance remain at 15%, on a motion by Blaskey with a second by Salo. Ayes: All.
Board members were canvassed about what personal information (e.g., address, phone, email) they wanted given to members of the public who request it.
No members of the public were present at the end of the meeting.
The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for June 18, 2009.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. on a motion by Salo with a second by Teets. Ayes: All.
Barbara Salo, Secretary