APRIL 21, 2011

 The regular meeting of the Northlake Public Library District Board of Trustees was called to order at 6:32 p.m. by President Sonya Teets. Present were Board members: Salo, Blaskey, O’Cull, Rivera, Teets. Also present were Nancy Garcia and Michele Ukleja, newly-elected trustees who will be sworn in on May 19th; Sharon L. Highler, Library Director; and Mary Jane Garrett, Head of Technical Services. Absent Board members: Salutric, Gutierrez.

The Board approved the agenda for the meeting, with the exception that an Executive Session would not be needed.

Minutes of the Board meeting of March 17, 2011, were read and approved on a motion by O’Cull with a second by Blaskey.

AYES: All.

6:43 p.m., Gutierrez arrived.

The Board read and accepted the following: the Treasurer’s Report of March 31, 2011; the Bills Payable/Paid Reports for February 17, 2011, March 17, 2011, and April 21, 2011; the Revenue and Expense Report for March 2011; and the Statistical and Acquisitions Report for March 2011. Acceptance of the above reports was on a motion by Salo with a second by O’Cull. Roll call vote:

AYES: Salo, Blaskey, O’Cull, Rivera, Gutierrez, Teets.
NAYS: None.
ABSENT: Salutric.

Grand total, April: $236,241.76

The librarians’ reports for March of 2011 were read and accepted with the appreciation of the Board. Higher reported that nominations, including self-nominations, are being accepted for the new, merged system’s Board of Directors until April 22nd.

Highler gave an update and tour of the reorganized library building to all attending the meeting. Most moving should be done by the end of April. New services to come include voter registration, a magnifier in the AV wing, and a hot beverage station for the public. Reports of staff committee work were given in the library director’s report. There will be a trustee workshop on Saturday, May 21st, at the public library in Matteson. Subjects to be covered include the Freedom of Information Act, the Open Meetings Act, and a review of Board and Director responsibilities. Trustees wishing to attend should let Highler know. The AWE bilingual early literacy station has arrived, and it is temporarily set up for staff testing in the staff lounge. Highler is hoping to have its first public use around the library’s Día programming on April 30th. She would like to have representatives of the donor organizations there at that time for photographs. At their April meeting, the Friends of the Library elected officers and will begin organizing the group. Their next meeting is May 4th. Highler attended a workshop of the staff’s insurance group (LIMRiCC) and has been informed that rates will not be going up significantly. The staff’s IMRF pension plan will not be raising its rates.

Teets did not have anything to add as the President’s report.

Rivera, for the Vice President’s report, stated that he has the donation check from the Kiwanis for the AWE station. He has looked at the library’s new Security Station, and it appears to have good views of the building and all cameras. Youth Services is to be commended for developing plans for the AWE station, and for upgrading their Hooked on Phonics kits.

In addition, Rivera wished to state the Board’s appreciation for the work of the outgoing Board members.

The Personnel/Safety staff committee has been working with Highler on developing the Harassment Section of the Personnel Policy. “Harassment” will include sexual as well as other forms of harassment. Sample policies from other libraries are being investigated. After the Board approves the final draft of the policy, the committee can work on establishing specific procedures to support the policy.

After a vote by the membership, the name has been selected for the new, merged northern library system: Reaching Across Illinois Library System (RAILS). Developments for the merger can be tracked on its website: http://www.systemsmerger.info/ . The merged system will begin operations on July 1, 2011.

The county is still doing the final counts for the April 5th Consolidated General Election. The official count is expected to be done in about a week. New trustees for the library district will be sworn in at the May 19th Board meeting.

All Board members must file a Statement of Economic Interests with Cook County. As it is being filed online this year, be sure to forward a copy or give a paper copy as proof to Highler when you have finished filing.

The Board discussed a proposal by Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins of a service whereby the firm would determine properties within the library district that are not paying property taxes to it. In addition, the firm could locate any properties neighboring the district’s boundaries that could be annexed to it. The Board asked Highler to ask what the average finding’s monetary value is for a search, how fees are calculated, and if they could send the Board a reference or client list. The Board would also like to know if they have found any significant tax amounts for a landlocked government district.

A Public Comment at Board Meetings Policy was discussed by the Board. The Open Meetings Act requires that a policy be approved. The policy proposed is the one recommended by the library district’s law firm. After discussion, the Board approved the proposed Public Comment at Board Meetings Policy on a motion by Blaskey with a second by Rivera.

AYES: All.

Members of the Board received copies of the requirements of the Illinois Public Library Per Capita and Equalization Grants for the 2012 fiscal year. This coming year, the library must review and report on progress for meeting Chapter 2, “Governance and Administration,” from Serving Our Public 2.0.

The library’s Día celebration, for El día de los niños/ El día de los libros (Children’s Day/ Book Day), will be held on April 30, 2011, from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.

The Board discussed the SWAN Intergovernmental Agreement for Providing Electronic Database Services: Proquest. Highler reported that both Adult and Youth Services have agreed to continue participating this year. The Board approved signing the agreement on a motion by Blaskey with a second by O’Cull.

AYES: All.

Parades in which the library has participated are taking place soon: Stone Park Memorial Day, May 30th, and Northlake Days, June 26th. Highler has asked the staff to consider participating. Trustees should decide on days on which they could participate. The Board also discussed whether the people in the car might toss non-candy items this year, and a couple of possible sources for these.

There was no public discussion at the meeting.

The next Board meeting is scheduled for May 19, 2011.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:17 p.m., on a motion by Salo with a second by Gutierrez.

AYES: All.

Barbara Salo, Secretary