- No events scheduled for May 10, 2024.
Week of Events
Program Room RSVP Windy City Jeep Club
Program Room RSVP Windy City Jeep Club
This is not a library sponsored program. Contact: Noelia Hernandez hnoelia93@yahoo.com
Join the library to play a fun game of BINGO! Win a game, pick a prize, and enjoy some snacks.
Únete a las clases gratis de Zumba con Marce, la instructora certificada. Recuerda vestir ropa cómoda para hacer ejercicio. Ofreceremos refrigerios al final de cada clase. Las clases comienzan a las 9:45 a.m. El programa se presenta en colaboración con Oak Street Health. Join our free Zumba classes with certified instructor, Marce. Remember to wear...
Walk and Talk Tuesdays
Walk and Talk Tuesdays
Are you looking to maintain and improve your fitness level this spring? Join us Tuesdays in April and May (weather permitting) as we walk, socialize, and enjoy the outdoors! Pedometers will be provided to track your steps each week. Register by calling 708-562-2301 x5.
Clases de Conversación
Clases de Conversación
Practica tu inglés cada martes. Conversa con estudiantes de inglés y hablantes nativos. Los temas cambian cada semana para aprender vocabulario. El registro no es requerido.
Alimentación Saludable
Alimentación Saludable
Aprende la importancia del vínculo entre la nutrición y la salud mental. Esta plática patrocinada por Proviso Public Partnership.
Beaded Sunglasses
Beaded Sunglasses
Prep for some summer fun in the sun by creating your own style of sunglasses using different kinds of beads. Materials will be provided but feel free to bring your own as well! Ages 13-18.
Meeting Room RSVP Good Shepherd Center
Meeting Room RSVP Good Shepherd Center
This is not a library sponsored program. Contact: Casche Knox cknox@gscenter.org