Week of Events
Sensory Sunday
Sensory Sunday
Children of all ages and abilities welcome! We will have different sensory stations setup for children to play and explore whatever interests them. Sunday, March 3 & April 7, 2-3 p.m. Limit 20.
Program Room RSVP Windy City Jeep Club
Program Room RSVP Windy City Jeep Club
This is not a library sponsored program. Contact: Noelia Hernandez hnoelia93@yahoo.com
Take & Make Bags
Take & Make Bags
Pick up a craft kit at the Youth Services desk to make at home. Mondays, January 22 - April 22. While supplies last.
Baby Play
Baby Play
For babies & caregivers. Music, rhymes, board books, and toys for the little ones. Mondays, February 26- April 22, 10-10:30 a.m. Limit 30.
Oak Street Health – Meet and Greet
Oak Street Health – Meet and Greet
Meet the Oak Street Health team and learn more about how Oak Street Health can help keep you healthy and living life more fully. Presented in partnership with
Únete a las clases gratis de Zumba con Marce, la instructora certificada. Recuerda vestir ropa cómoda para hacer ejercicio. Ofreceremos refrigerios al final de cada clase. Las clases comienzan a las 9:45 a.m. Registrate en persona o llamando al 708-562-2301 x5. Join our free Zumba classes with certified instructor, Marce. Remember to wear comfortable workout...
Simply Fun Storytime
Simply Fun Storytime
All ages. Join us weekly for stories, songs and fun. Tuesdays, January 16-March 26, 10-10:30 a.m. Limit 15.
Senior Meetup
Senior Meetup
Let's get together for a fun afternoon of food, drink, and socialization! We’ll share conversation, check-in with one another, and maintain connection while enjoying a variety of food.
Family Craft Night
Family Craft Night
All ages. Make a craft for the whole family. Tuesdays, February 27, March 5 & 19, April 2 & 16 6:30-7:15 p.m. Limit 24.
Clases de Conversación
Clases de Conversación
Practica tu inglés cada martes. Conversa con estudiantes de inglés y hablantes nativos. Los temas cambian cada semana para aprender vocabulario. El registro no es requerido.
Cuentos y Canciones
Cuentos y Canciones
Edades 0-5. Disfruta cuentos y canciones infantiles. Miércoles, 28 de Febrero al 24 de Abril, 10-10:30 a.m. Límite 20.
Canceled Take Charge of Your Health
Canceled Take Charge of Your Health
Improve your health and well-being with interactive workshops for anyone with a chronic condition such as COPD, heart disease, diabetes, chronic pain, or cancer. Caregivers, family and friends are welcome to join us as we learn skills to improve sleep, fatigue, pain management and action planning. To register, please click on this link: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/njzqnz8?mode=preview&source_id=90be8b3a-6805-4d6d-a291-4695b6c37811&source_type=em&c= This...
Craft Time/Tiempo de Manualidades
Craft Time/Tiempo de Manualidades
Ages 3-5. Enjoy fun art projects and crafts. 3 a 5 años. Disfruta de divertidos proyectos de arte y manualidades. Thursdays, February 29 - April 25, 10-10:30 a.m. Limit 12. Los jueves, 18 de Enero al 25 de Abril, 10-10:30 a.m. Limite 12.
T.A.G. (Teen Advisory Group)
T.A.G. (Teen Advisory Group)
Need services hours?* Want to use your voice & powers for good? Come to a T.A.G. event and be a part of making the library YOUR space! Pizza, snacks, & beverages will be provided! Ages 13-18. *You must participate in conversations and/or activities to earn service hours.
Wonder Club – Ages 5-8
Wonder Club – Ages 5-8
Hands on fun with science, technology, engineering, art and math. Thursdays, January 18, February 15, and March 7, 6:30-7:15 p.m. Limit 15
Mommy & Me Zumba*
Mommy & Me Zumba*
Ages 0-3 with a parent. For pregnant moms, new moms, or moms with energetic toddlers. Ms. Kim is here to make sure you and your little one enjoy a fun...
Rubberband Bracelets
Rubberband Bracelets
Ages 9-13. Join us for a classic activity to make rubberband bracelets and different types of bracelets.