Cookbook Book Club
Meeting Room – 2nd Floor 231 N Wolf Road, Northlake, IL, United StatesWe’ll pick a cookbook, you’ll select and make a recipe, and then we’ll all get together to share and enjoy our creations! Pick up your copy of the book and...
We’ll pick a cookbook, you’ll select and make a recipe, and then we’ll all get together to share and enjoy our creations! Pick up your copy of the book and...
This is not a library sponsored event. Contact: Michelle Ptack
This is not a library sponsored program. Contact: Paola Tovar 224-764-1921
Come to the library to celebrate Dia de Los Niños and see the Crosstown Exotics Traveling Reptile show. The Reptile show will take place promptly at 2 p.m. After the...
This is not a library sponsored program. Contact: Sylvia Tejedo
Para celebrar el 5 de Mayo aprenderemos el origen del tequila, haremos una degustación de 3 variedades principales y prepararemos dos cócteles tradicionales. Solo mayores de 21 años.
Únete a las clases de Zumba con Marce, la instructora certificada. Recuerda vestir ropa cómoda para hacer ejercicio. Ofreceremos refrigerios al final de cada clase. Las clases comienzan a las...
Are you looking to maintain and improve your fitness level this spring? Join us Tuesdays in April and May (weather permitting) as we walk, socialize, and enjoy the outdoors! Pedometers...
Ages 7-9. New to graphic novels? Join our book club and enjoy a snack along with a discussion about graphic novels. Tuesdays, January 10, February 7, March 7, April 4,...
Practique su inglés cada martes. Conversa con estudiantes de inglés y hablantes nativos. Los temas cambian cada semana para aprender vocabulario. Registro no requerido.