S.T.E.A.M. Take and Make
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics themed bags. Available at the YS desk. 1 per child present. While supplies last.
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics themed bags. Available at the YS desk. 1 per child present. While supplies last.
Ages 7-10. Bring your reading log for a group reading from the YOU CHOOSE series for 30min, we'll end things off by playing board games with friends! Limit 20.
Available at the YS Desk. 1 per present child. While supplies last.
For ages 6-10. Join us for a fun afternoon of Loteria just for kids. Registration required. Limit 12.
All Ages. Enjoy the start of spring break by watching a movie with popcorn and drinks! Movie TBD.
April 1, 2025: 6:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Ages Birth-5. Stories, songs, and fun for children. Limit 30.
Ages 7-13. One hour of fun playing card games. Skip-Bo and Uno included.
Ages 7-13. Create fun treats and desserts that will be sure to surprise family and friends!