Cuentos y Canciones
Storytime Room – First Floor 231 N Wolf Road, Northlake, IL, United StatesÚnete a nosotros para actividades infantiles. Miércoles, Ene. 29- Feb. 26
Únete a nosotros para actividades infantiles. Miércoles, Ene. 29- Feb. 26
For families and children ages 0-13. Join us for a Disney themed night full of stories, crafts, and music! Disney movie themes change every month! Limit 20.
Drop in this casual workshop of basic miniature painting techniques. Minis and paints provided, but feel free to bring your own!
Ages 3-5. Enjoy fun art projects and crafts. Limit 12. Manualidades divertidos para edades 3-5! Limite 12.
Ages 6-13. Limit 25.
We’ll pick a cookbook, you’ll select and make a recipe, and then we’ll all get together to share and enjoy our creations! Pick up your copy of the book and...
Ages 7-10. Bring your reading log for a group reading from the YOU CHOOSE series for 30min, we'll end things off by playing board games with friends! Limit 20.
Available at the YS Desk. 1 per present child. While supplies last.