Karaoke Night
Program Room – Lower Level 231 N Wolf Road, Northlake, IL, United StatesStep up to the microphone and sing the night away! Snacks and refreshments will be provided. Ages 13-18.
Step up to the microphone and sing the night away! Snacks and refreshments will be provided. Ages 13-18.
Ages 9-13. Enter the Minecraft realm to create a Rice Krispy grass and cake block. Limit 15. Registration Required, please call 708-562-2301 x6.
All ages. Join us for stories and songs. Mondays 6:30-7 p.m. Limit 20. No Registration Required.
¿Necesitas ayuda para estudiar para el exámen de la Ciudadanía Americana? Nuestro curso tendrá sesiones de estudio repasando las 100 preguntas de educación cívica y entrevistas simuladas. Regístrate llamando al 708-562-2301 x5.
Únete a las clases de Zumba con Marce, la instructora certificada. Recuerda vestir ropa cómoda para hacer ejercicio. Ofreceremos refrigerios al final de cada clase. Las clases comienzan a las 9:45 a.m. Join our Zumba classes with certified instructor Marce. Remember to wear comfortable workout clothes. Snacks will be offered after each class. Classes begin...
All ages. Join Miss Judi for an afternoon storytime. Tuesdays 2-2:30 p.m. Limit 20. No Registration Required.
Are you looking to maintain and improve your fitness level this spring? Join us Tuesdays in April and May (weather permitting) as we walk, socialize, and enjoy the outdoors! Pedometers will be provided to track your steps each week. Register online or by calling 708-562-2301 x5.
Practique su inglés cada martes. Conversa con estudiantes de inglés y hablantes nativos. Los temas cambian cada semana para aprender vocabulario. Registro no requerido.