DIY Boba Tea
Meeting room - Lower Level 231 N Wolf Road, Northlake, IL, United StatesCreate your own Boba Tea and try some samples. Complete with a take-home tea kit! Ages 13-18.
Create your own Boba Tea and try some samples. Complete with a take-home tea kit! Ages 13-18.
Test your skills to win prizes by playing Mario Kart!
Ages 6-13. Limit 25.
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics themed bags. Available at the YS desk. 1 per child present. While supplies last.
Ages 7-10. Bring your reading log for a group reading from the YOU CHOOSE series for 30min, we'll end things off by playing board games with friends! Limit 20.
Available at the YS Desk. 1 per present child. While supplies last.
¿Te gustaría comunicarte en inglés? Únete a nuestras clases diseñadas especialmente para hispanohablantes que están comenzando su viaje con el inglés. Esta clase es para principiantes. Las clases serán cada...
Ages Birth-5. Stories, songs, and fun for children. Limit 30.