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Event Type: Teens

Teen Advisory Group

Meeting Room – 2nd Floor 231 N Wolf Road, Northlake, IL, United States

Earn service hours by telling us what you want to see in the library, complete community projects, and more! Pizza, snacks, and drinks will be provided. 

Snack Cart

Lobby 231 N Wolf Road, Northlake, IL, United States

Grab a snack or two from our Snack Cart! The snack cart is run by students from the Leyden Transitions program. This program helps students learn life skills and job training.

Snack Cart

Lobby 231 N Wolf Road, Northlake, IL, United States

Grab a snack or two from our Snack Cart! The snack cart is run by students from the Leyden Transitions program. This program helps students learn life skills and job training.

Mortal Kombat 11 Tournament

Program Room – Lower Level 231 N Wolf Road, Northlake, IL, United States

Test your skills by playing Mortal Kombat 11 on X Box One for a chance to win prizes! May the best player win! 

Snack Cart

Lobby 231 N Wolf Road, Northlake, IL, United States

Grab a snack or two from our Snack Cart! The snack cart is run by students from the Leyden Transitions program. This program helps students learn life skills and job training.

Snack Cart

Lobby 231 N Wolf Road, Northlake, IL, United States

Grab a snack or two from our Snack Cart! The snack cart is run by students from the Leyden Transitions program. This program helps students learn life skills and job training.

Snack Cart

Lobby 231 N Wolf Road, Northlake, IL, United States

Grab a snack or two from our Snack Cart! The snack cart is run by students from the Leyden Transitions program. This program helps students learn life skills and job training.

Snack Cart

Lobby 231 N Wolf Road, Northlake, IL, United States

Grab a snack or two from our Snack Cart! The snack cart is run by students from the Leyden Transitions program. This program helps students learn life skills and job training.

Gingerbread House Decorating

Come in and decorate a pre-built gingerbread house with all of your favorite frostings and candies.

DIY Sugar Scrub Ornaments

Makerspace - 2nd Floor 231 N. Wolf Rd., Northlake, United States

Make your own sugar scrub using essential oils in an ornament to give as a gift or keep for yourself.