Beer and Cheese Pairings
Beer and Cheese Pairings
Explore the history of beer and cheese while enjoying a fine selection of beers and cheeses that pair well together. 21+ only. Register online or by calling us at 708-562-2301 x5.
Explore the history of beer and cheese while enjoying a fine selection of beers and cheeses that pair well together. 21+ only. Register online or by calling us at 708-562-2301 x5.
We now have an Apple Pencil to check out with our iPads! The popular digital painting app Procreate is installed on our iPads that are available to check out. Join us over Facebook Live to learn how to utilize the basics of Procreate and start making art of your own.
We’ll pick a cookbook, you’ll select and make a recipe, and then we’ll all get together to share and enjoy our creations! Pick up your copy of the book and claim your recipe at the reference desk.
Let's get together for a fun afternoon of food, drink and socialization! We’ll share conversation, check-in with one another, and maintain connection while enjoying a variety of food. Register online or by calling 708-562-2301 x5.