OCTOBER 16, 2014
The public hearing of the Northlake Public Library District Board of Trustees was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Orlando Rivera. Present were Board members: Salo, Gutierrez, Sydor, Efta, Rivera. Absent Board member: Wright. Also present were Sharon L. Highler, Library Director; and Mary Jane Garrett, Head of Technical Services.
The public hearing was held concerning Ordinance #14-560, levying and assessing taxes of the Northlake Public Library District for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014, and ending June 30, 2015.
As no members of the public were present, the Board discussed items on the regular meeting agenda without taking any official action. The order of the agenda was read and discussed, as were the librarians’ reports for September-October of 2014. Highler discussed some items of the reports in more detail with the Board. Each Trustee received a copy of the project status report submitted by the library to the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity about how the grant from the Eliminate the Digital Divide Program was being used. We have one active promotora person, who has done a useful survey, we have purchased new laptops which can be checked out for in-house use when not being used for classes, and we are holding computer-related classes.
Documents about the regular Board meeting, relating to Ordinance #14-562, the refinancing of the bonds, will need to be filled out and submitted to Cook County and other organizations.
Barbara Salo announced that she will not be running for Trustee during the April 2015 election.
6:15 p.m., Christian N. McClure of McClure, Inserra and Company Chartered arrived. He will be doing a presentation on the annual audit at the regular meeting.
Highler reminded those running for office in April about basic election procedures. The Board received copies of a page summarizing the procedures.
Highler described the reorganization of staff duties after Allison Parker of Youth Services resigned to take another job. Two part-time staff, Mayra Gaona and Katherine Marsh, have been hired by Youth Services. Trustees each received revised copies of the organizational chart and the “Person in Charge” list.
Light bulb replacement and inspection is ongoing. Problems with the HVAC system, including the furnace, are being examined.
Board members received copies of the FY2015 Per Capita Grant application. Requirements for the FY2016 and the FY2017 Per Capita Grant applications were also given to the Board.
At 6:29 p.m., the public hearing was adjourned with the agreement of the Board.
Barbara Salo, Secretary