APRIL 19, 2012
The regular meeting of the Northlake Public Library District Board of Trustees was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President Sonya Teets. Present were Board members: Salo, Blaskey, Garcia, Ukleja, Rivera, Teets. Absent Board member: Gutierrez. Also present were: Sharon L. Highler, Library Director; Mary Jane Garrett, Head of Technical Services; Stephanie Carlile, Head of Circulation Services; and Laura Bartnik, Head of Adult Services.
The Board approved the agenda for the meeting. The Executive Session will be needed.
6:31 p.m., Gutierrez arrived.
Minutes of the Board meeting of March 15, 2012, and the minutes of the Executive Session of March 15, 2012, were read and accepted, with the correction of the spelling of a name in the Executive Session minutes, on a motion by Blaskey with a second by Ukleja.
AYES: All.
The Board read and accepted the following: the Treasurer’s Report of March 31, 2012; the Bills Payable/Paid Report for March 2012; the Revenue and Expense Report for March 2012; and the Statistical Circulation and Acquisitions Reports for March 2012. Acceptance of the above reports was on a motion by Salo with a second by Garcia. Roll call vote:
AYES: Salo, Blaskey, Garcia, Ukleja, Gutierrez, Rivera, Teets.
NAYS: None.
Grand total for April: $59,833.66.
The librarians’ reports were read and accepted with the appreciation of the Board. Highler added that she has received a legal report from our attorney that has caused her to change the wording on the price signs for the library’s book sale area. From recent discussions on the Publib listserv online she has found that there are only two types of “service animals” recognized as such by the federal government: dogs “that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities,” and miniature horses with the same stipulation, as long as they can be accomodated in the facility. Some state and local laws may define “service animals” more broadly, but only these two animals are recognized for implementing the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Those department heads attending Dominican University’s Supervisory Skills Series workshops will share the information they have gained with other staff.
Laura Bartnik, new Head of Adult Services, was introduced to the Board by Highler. She began her work on April 16th.
President Teets has discussed the summer reading program’s Stone Park Friday sessions with Youth Services. They will be held at the Stone Park fire station on Friday mornings. Teets will be able to do some publicizing in Stone Park.
Vice President Rivera mentioned that he had seen a library distributing its information and hours on magnets. The cost would need to be taken into consideration. Rivera asked if adult, teen and youth services all have some funding for Media On Demand expenses. Highler replied that they did.
Highler reminded Board members about their required training on the Open Meetings Act. She has found out that the Board cannot do the training as a group. They must train as individuals. Highler also reminded the Board that their Economic Disclosure Statements were due by April 30, 2012. Copies of the certification for both of these requirements should be given to Highler for her records. There was discussion about which staff members were required to complete the Economic Disclosure Statements.
Carlile, with some added input from Highler, Bartnik and Garrett, reported on Unique Management Services, Inc., a collection agency which made a presentation at the March 28 Department Heads Meeting. Board members received Unique’s pamphlet, a summary sheet about Unique, and Carlile’s SWAN reports on the dollar value of various classes of items listed as “BILLED” in the library catalog. The individual library establishes parameters as to what patron accounts will be sent to Unique, and no account will be sent until after three notices have been sent by our district. Unique will give the district a free, ninety-day trial period of their services. After discussion of the pros and cons of using a collection agency, and of the Unique agency, the Board approved starting the free ninety-day trial period with Unique, on a motion by Salo with a second by Garcia.
AYES: All.
7:22 p.m., Carlile and Bartnik were thanked for coming and they left.
Board members were given a copy of Rich Stronczek’s proposed uses for the Special Reserve Fund. The auditors have recommended that we identify for what purposes we may use this fund. After discussion, the Board approved the uses as listed, with the addition of “or replacement” to any uses that just listed “repair.” Motion was by Rivera with a second by Ukleja. Roll call vote:
AYES: Salo, Blaskey, Garcia, Ukleja, Gutierrez, Rivera, Teets.
NAYS: None.
The district has received cost statements from three payroll services. There will not be a significant cost savings for a midyear change, so it has been recommended that action on this be held until November. New information will be available then. The Board agreed to wait until November.
Copies of the Vendor List were given to the Board. These are all vendors used by the district between July 1, 2010, until March 20, 2012. After approval the list will be distributed to department heads. Vendors not on this list will need approval by the Library Director before services or materials can be secured. It was also recommended that the department head/manager limit beyond which Library Director approval is needed for purchases be $500.00. The Vendor List and the $500.00 purchase limit were approved on a motion by Blaskey with a second by Salo, with the correction of one vendor name. Roll call vote:
AYES: Salo, Blaskey, Garcia, Ukleja, Gutierrez, Rivera, Teets.
NAYS: None.
Myers Briggs & Co., Inc., has provided quotes for additional insurance. In the first quote, Chubb will split the limits for the Directors & Officers and Employment Practices Liability Insurance, providing a one million dollar limit of liability for each at an additional cost of $125.00. The defense costs portion will be outside the liability limit, also at one million dollars, and is provided at no added cost to the library district. The Board approved the quote on a motion by Blaskey with a second by Gutierrez. Roll call vote:
AYES: Salo, Blaskey, Garcia, Ukleja, Gutierrez, Rivera, Teets.
NAYS: None.
The second quote by Myers Briggs & Co., Inc., was quotes by Travelers for optional flood and earthquake insurance. After discussion, the Board approved the quote for flood insurance only, one million dollars’ liability with a $25,000.00 deductible, for a $1,000.00 premium. Approval was on a motion by Ukleja with a second by Garcia. Roll call vote:
AYES: Salo, Blaskey, Garcia, Ukleja, Gutierrez, Rivera, Teets.
NAYS: None.
A CD from IIIT was coming due on April 26. Stronczek recommended that it not be renewed at that time, to see what happens to interest rates by the end of May. The district can get more interest from Illinois funds on a monthly basis than it can get from a short-term CD from IIIT. Also, IIIT has recently merged with Illinois Park District Liquid Asset Fund Plus and Stronczek wants to see how the new company will be operating. After discussion, the Board approved not renewing the CD and placing the funds in our Illinois Corporate Fund account. The Treasurer will be notified of transfers. Approval was on a motion by Rivera with a second by Ukleja. Roll call vote:
AYES: Salo, Blaskey, Garcia, Ukleja, Gutierrez, Rivera, Teets.
NAYS: None.
The Board received a letter from Brain Hurricane SES Tutoring, thanking the library district for providing space in the program room and a study room. Brain Hurricane tutors children whose families cannot afford the expense.
An updated copy of the Person-In-Charge list was given to Board members.
No members of the public were present.
The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for May 17, 2012.
At 7:47 p.m. the Board voted to adjourn the regular meeting and go into Executive Session, as per 5ILCS 120/2(c)(1): “the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel to determine its validity.” The motion was made by Rivera with a second by Ukleja.
AYES: All.
Barbara Salo, Secretary