Marion Olea
Head of Adult Services
Adults & All Court-Ordered Community Service
NPLD prioritizes adult volunteering for those who need to fulfill court-ordered community service hours. While we cannot guarantee placement, we strive to accommodate all applicants ages 14 and up. Court orders, tickets, and related documentation listing offense must be attached to all applications. NPLD cannot accept court-ordered community service volunteers with violent or theft related charges. Applications must be turned in to the Adult Services Department on the second floor of the library.
Dominique Mendez
Head of Youth Services
Parent Volunteers
NPLD welcomes parent volunteer applications from parents who have children that actively attend Youth Services Programs and live within the library district boundaries. While we cannot guarantee volunteer opportunities, we strive to accommodate all applicants. Applications must be returned to the Youth Services Department on the first floor of the library.
Katie Steffensen
Teen Librarian
NPLD welcomes all applications for school-related volunteering. Spots are limited, and while we cannot guarantee placement, we strive to accommodate all applicants. Applications must be turned in to the Adult Services Department on the second floor of the library.
Jacqueline Ramirez-Ceron
Youth Librarian
Middle School
NPLD welcomes applications for middle school volunteers. While we cannot guarantee placement, we strive to accommodate all applicants. Applications must be turned in to the Youth Services Department on the first floor of the library.