SEPTEMBER 19, 2013
The public hearing of the Northlake Public Library District Board of Trustees was called to order at 6:11 p.m. by President Orlando Rivera. Present were Board members: Salo, Efta, Rivera. Absent Board members: Garcia, Gutierrez, Mukite, Wright. Also present were Sharon L. Highler, Library Director; and Mary Jane Garrett, Head of Technical Services.
The public hearing was held concerning the Budget and Appropriations Ordinance for the Northlake Public Library District for the fiscal year 2013-2014.
As no members of the public were present to speak, Highler and the Board of Trustees discussed the Budget and Appropriations Ordinance.
The Board read and discussed parts of the regular meeting agenda without taking any action at this time. Each Trustee was given a copy of the library district’s Per Capita Grant application, due October 15, 2013. We will be using any Per Capita Grant funds from this for technology. Highler commented further upon the section entitled “Library’s Promotion and Programming”. We are continuing to work on consistent branding for the library. After moving the Hulk statue to its permanent place, and relocating some of the collection, we will be relocating and adding some new signage within the building.
Efta asked if the library district would be interested in a possible donation of older iMacs and eMacs. Highler replied that it would depend on how old they were, but that she would consider it. She asked Efta to send her the information.
Highler reported that the orders have been placed for the computers and software for the first phase of upgrades. CTC, after evaluation of our present technology, sent her a written report about what was needed, and she has approved it. The first computers to be upgraded will be those that the staff needs to work with our SWAN online catalog and the OCLC bibliographic database. Next, the oldest of the staff computers and the oldest of the adult public computers will be replaced. Our initial server upgrade was the only part of the costs that has been funded with Special Reserve Fund money. A complete technology upgrade will take from three to five years.
The revised policy for study rooms and meeting rooms will be presented to the Board at the regular meeting.
Planned Hispanic Heritage Month activities include the Hispanic Heritage Potluck (September 28), a field trip to the National Museum of Mexican Art (October 5), a sugar skulls craft (October 8), and an interactive altar for the Day of the Dead (October 29-November 3). Board members are invited to attend. Highler thanked those Board members who attended our Hulk reception on September 12.
No members of the public attended the public hearing.
The Board agreed to adjourn the public hearing at 6:44 p.m.
Barbara Salo, Secretary