MAY 26, 2010

The special meeting was held because the regular meeting of May 20, 2010, was cancelled due to lack of a quorum.

The special meeting of the Northlake Public Library District Board of Trustees was called to order at 4:30 p.m. by President Sonya Teets. Present were Board members: Salutric, Blaskey, Salo, Rivera, Teets. Also present were Sharon L. Highler, Library Director, and Mary Jane Garrett, Head of Technical Services. Absent Board members: O’Cull, Gutierrez.

The agenda for the meeting was approved on a motion by Blaskey with a second by Salutric.

AYES: All.

4:31 p.m., Gutierrez arrived.

The minutes of the regular Board meeting of April 15, 2010, were read and approved on a motion by Salo with a second by Rivera.

AYES: All.

The Board read and accepted the following: the Treasurer’s Report of April 30, 2010; the Bills Payable Report for May 20, 2010; the Revenue and Expense Report for April 2010; and the Statistical Circulation and Acquisitions Report for April 2010. Acceptance of the above reports was on a motion by Blaskey with a second by Rivera. Roll call vote:

AYES: Salutric, Gutierrez, Rivera, Salo, Blaskey, Teets.
NAYS: None.

Grand total of all payables listed: $210,368.33.


Highler reported that the office manager, Rich Stronczek, has been switching much of the supplies ordering to another vendor. He is also trying to get an account for the library district from Sam’s Club.

The librarians’ reports were read and accepted with the appreciation of the Board. Copies of the summer newsletter were given to the Board. Trustees received copies of the official notification that the district has been chosen to receive a grant from the Penny Severns Summer Family Literacy program. Copies were given of a letter from the mayor of Northlake that the 46th Avenue/North Avenue TIF District was terminated on January 1, 2010, and will be added to the tax rolls for the tax year 2010. Triton has received funding for its ESL classes, so they will be returning to our library.

Salo asked whether citizens could join the library’s Green Committee; she knows someone who might have an interest. Highler said that citizens could join.

The President reported that her additional work was included in the Trustee Regulations Review and Revision.

The Vice President reported that he has met with the IT manager, Ron Friedman, and has had good feedback on the improvements from Friedman’s April upgrades to the public computers.


Highler brought items for the Trustees to review about Robert’s Rules of Order.


The minutes of the committee meeting on Trustee Regulations Review and Revision are depicted in the color-coded changes in the Regulations. Highler has sent the changes to the attorney for the district with some questions, but has not heard back yet. Salo had a question about Article VIII, #12. Should a citizen be limited to three minutes total for discussion, or should it be three minutes for the citizen’s statement, then the Board reply, then three minutes for the citizen to respond? Highler will find out. There was some discussion on the Library Convention Attendance Policy, Article X, specifically on the order of preference given if more than two trustees wish to attend an out-of-state library association convention. It was decided to leave the order of preference as shown in the revision. Blaskey pointed out the changes to Article IV, Officers, to the rest of the Trustees. The deletion of a section about reelection was discussed, as there was a question about what the remaining statement would mean. What was meant was that each term of office would be for two years, and that there would not be a limit to the number of times an officer could be re-elected. Highler will ask the attorney about it. If Trustees have any additional questions for the attorney, they should send them to Highler only (no copies to other Board members) by June 2nd at the latest. Highler pointed out the addition of Article XIII, Code of Ethics, which is the “Ethics Statement for Public Library Trustees” adopted by the American Library Trustee Association and the Public Library Association. The Board approved the minutes of the committee on Trustee Regulations Review and Revision, as shown in the changes and comments in the Regulations, on a motion by Salo with a second by Blaskey. Ayes: All.


5:28 p.m., the Board voted to go out of the meeting and into Executive Session as per Statutory Section 5ILCS 120/2 (c)(1): “The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel to determine its validity,” on a motion by Blaskey with a second by Salo.

AYES: All.

6:29 p.m., the Board came back into the meeting from the Executive Session.


The Board approved hiring two additional Adult Services staff members through the end of the fiscal year (June 30, 2010) on a motion by Rivera with a second by Gutierrez. Roll call vote:

AYES: Salutric, Gutierrez, Rivera, Salo, Blaskey, Teets.
NAYS: None.

The Board approved increasing staff hours by 148 hours and incorporating this into the next budget (FY 2010-2011), on a motion by Rivera with a second by Blaskey. Roll call vote:

AYES: Salutric, Gutierez, Rivera, Salo, Blaskey, Teets.
NAYS: None.

The Board approved the new staffing levels and salary scale, a step schedule of 4% increases. Approval is also given to incorporate this schedule into the next budget (FY 2010-2011). Approval was on a motion by Rivera with a second by Salutric. Roll call vote:

AYES: Salutric, Gutierrez, Rivera, Salo, Blaskey, Teets.
NAYS: None.

Trustees were given binders with the first few chapters of “Serving Our Public 2.0 : Standards for Illinois Public Libraries” (Illinois Library Association 2009). The Per Capita Grant application requires the Board to review this source and name how it will affect the library. The department heads will be going through the chapters first and reporting their recommendations to the Board. For the first chapter, on core standards, we meet most of the core or are working on meeting it. A long-range plan needs to be developed and changes need to be made to the disaster plan. For the second chapter, on government and administration, we are meeting the standards with revising the Trustee Regulations. In the third chapter, on personnel, we are meeting standards by adjusting pay and staffing levels.


The Board asked if Highler could send the other chapters by email, and Highler said she could. However, the other chapters will not have been reviewed yet by the department heads.


The Board voted to table discussion on the first three chapters until the next regular meeting so they have time to review them, on a motion by Salutric with a second by Gutierrez.

AYES: All.

The Board approved expanding the library security monitoring to year-round. The original part-time position will be expanded to year-round, and an additional person will be hired for eight hours per week to work weekends. Approval was on a motion by Salo with a second by Rivera. Roll call vote:

AYES: Salutric, Gutierrez, Rivera, Salo, Blaskey, Teets.
NAYS: None

The 2010 audit contract with McClure, Inserra & Company, Chartered, for an estimated $8,800.00, was approved on a motion by Salo with a second by Rivera. Roll call vote:

AYES: Salutric, Gutierrez, Rivera, Salo, Blaskey, Teets.
NAYS: None

The Intergovernmental Agreement for Providing Electronic Database Services (the MLS group database purchase agreement) was approved on a motion by Rivera with a second by Blaskey. Roll call vote:

AYES: Salutric, Gutierrez, Rivera, Salo, Blaskey, Teets.
NAYS: None

Some databases have been dropped from the MLS group purchase, which staff at Northlake are trying to obtain through a purchase with another group.


After discussion, the Board approved the LIMRiCC health insurance agreement, with 20% of the premium for staff health insurance to be paid by staff, on a motion by Salutric with a second by Blaskey. Roll call vote:

AYES: Salutric, Gutierrez, Rivera, Salo, Blaskey, Teets.
NAYS: None

Highler has received an inquiry from a previous applicant for a Trustee position, about whether there are any vacancies on the Board. The Board approved thanking the person for their interest, but informing them that there were no positions open on the Board at this time.


No members of the public were present.


The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for June 17, 2010.


The Board voted to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 p.m. on a motion by Salo with a second by Blaskey.

AYES: All.

Barbara Salo, Secretary